Prized Collection Acrylics on Panel 24 x 30 $4500 Sold PreviousBarred Owls in SnowBlack Bear in Zebra Grass No. 3Black Bear in Zebra Grass No. 1Black Bear in Zebra Grass No. 2In The MeadowPeregrine AboveJulia’s GirlBehind Every WomanHannah’s FavoritesTimothy’s MenagerieA Good Time Was Had By AllMany MedalsMother PigeonThe Day of the DeadPalmettos Don’t Scare MaurieSunset With Pygmy OwlsFour Necklaces and a HatA Visit to the Delta Club Might Cheer You UpThe Too Long NapGuys and DogsYou Are My White. You Are My Blue.A Quarter to ThreeSecrets to TellHouse Sparrows AboutMaisy and MIllieLadies Who Lunch: You Wouldn’t Believe ItHouse Finches and BranchesHarbingerBlossomMy Finger Told MeMale GazeDate Night at the Tiki LoungeA Flutter of WingsThe Coming Storm of WordsGhosts SwarmPrized CollectionA Chilly Evening in Boca RatonMimi In the Chair, SmokingMucho Mucho Amor: Portrait of Walter MercadoPolitics In ParadiseHope Is the Thing With Feathers (That Perches in the Soul)Plants and PetsGabriel in ParadiseBackground. Foreground.The Owl Hath a Bride Who Is Fond and BoldMuses Gather Like Birds On BranchesShe Who Wears the Color. He Who Sees the Color.Enid Collins to the RescueFamily Portrait“The Secret Word Is…”Llevo Mis Muchos AmoresStories to TellPretty Girls Make Graves: Portrait of Lauren No. 1SunburstAnd Though She Be But Little, She Is FiercePuppeteer With Hand PuppetsLament of the RavensPunch and JudyGeorge and Betty: Tonight Only!Puppeteer with Rod PuppetEnigmaAll Fly AwayLouise, In Her ElementAll This MadnessIt Was the Year of the RoosterI wear My LoveOn the Air: Lady Sings in BlueSideshowSecrets Hidden WithinEstimated Time of ArrivalWoman with Pygmy OwlMockingbird’s LamentThe Object of Her AffectionJust We TwoAlmost RealAmidst the DogwoodPilotBarred Owls in SnowBlack Bear in Zebra Grass No. 3Black Bear in Zebra Grass No. 1Black Bear in Zebra Grass No. 2In The MeadowPeregrine AboveJulia’s GirlBehind Every WomanHannah’s FavoritesTimothy’s MenagerieA Good Time Was Had By AllMany MedalsMother PigeonThe Day of the DeadPalmettos Don’t Scare MaurieSunset With Pygmy OwlsFour Necklaces and a HatA Visit to the Delta Club Might Cheer You UpThe Too Long NapGuys and DogsYou Are My White. You Are My Blue.A Quarter to ThreeSecrets to TellHouse Sparrows AboutMaisy and MIllieLadies Who Lunch: You Wouldn’t Believe ItHouse Finches and BranchesHarbingerBlossomMy Finger Told MeMale GazeDate Night at the Tiki LoungeA Flutter of WingsThe Coming Storm of WordsGhosts SwarmPrized CollectionA Chilly Evening in Boca RatonMimi In the Chair, SmokingMucho Mucho Amor: Portrait of Walter MercadoPolitics In ParadiseHope Is the Thing With Feathers (That Perches in the Soul)Plants and PetsGabriel in ParadiseBackground. Foreground.The Owl Hath a Bride Who Is Fond and BoldMuses Gather Like Birds On BranchesShe Who Wears the Color. He Who Sees the Color.Enid Collins to the RescueFamily Portrait“The Secret Word Is…”Llevo Mis Muchos AmoresStories to TellPretty Girls Make Graves: Portrait of Lauren No. 1SunburstAnd Though She Be But Little, She Is FiercePuppeteer With Hand PuppetsLament of the RavensPunch and JudyGeorge and Betty: Tonight Only!Puppeteer with Rod PuppetEnigmaAll Fly AwayLouise, In Her ElementAll This MadnessIt Was the Year of the RoosterI wear My LoveOn the Air: Lady Sings in BlueSideshowSecrets Hidden WithinEstimated Time of ArrivalWoman with Pygmy OwlMockingbird’s LamentThe Object of Her AffectionJust We TwoAlmost RealAmidst the DogwoodPilotBarred Owls in SnowBlack Bear in Zebra Grass No. 3Black Bear in Zebra Grass No. 1Black Bear in Zebra Grass No. 2In The MeadowPeregrine AboveJulia’s GirlBehind Every WomanNext